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First Day of School

Tuesday/Thursday Students, Monday-Thursday Students, Monday-Friday Students

We can't wait to see all of our new friends!!!!! Come with a smile ready to have fun! There will be a few cute 'First Day of Preschool' signs and props out front for your photo-taking fun and excitement.  If you would like to take a cute picture, please come a few minutes early to account for the photo fun.


Normal Class Time


Monday/Wednesday/Friday Students

We can't wait to see all of our new friends!!!!! Come with a smile ready to have fun!  There will be a few cute 'First Day of Preschool' signs and props out front for your photo-taking fun and excitement.  If you would like to take a cute picture, please come a few minutes early to account for the photo fun.  


Normal Class Time

Fabulous Friday

All Students Invited
$15 for a drop-in classNormal Class Time

Centers, Centers, and MORE Centers

This exciting program gives preschoolers the opportunity to rotate through fun and engaging Shining Stars Centers

Teddy Bear Picnic

All Students and a Parent Invited
Mountview Park
1651 E. Ft. Union Boulevard
Cottonwood Heights, Utah 84121

Please Bring: a smile, at least 1 parent, a teddy bear, a blanket, a sack lunch, and WEAR YOUR SCHOOL SHIRT


Group 1:

Lunch will take place at 10:00am 

Teddy Bear Stations will follow lunch and then families are free to go home or stay to play at the park. Please be courteous by completing your center activities by 11:00am to make room for the next group.  


Group 2:

Lunch will take place at 11:00am

Teddy Bear Stations will follow lunch and then families are free to go home or stay to play at the park. Please be courteous by completing your center activities by 12:00pm to make room for the next group.  


Group 3:

Lunch will take place at 12:00pm

Teddy Bear Stations will follow lunch and then families are free to go home or stay to play at the park. Centers will conclude at 1:00pm.  

In-House Fire Station Field Trip

All Students Invited 
@Shining Stars Academy
Group 1: 8:40am-10:40am
Group 2: 9:20am-11:20am
Group 3: 10:00am-12:00pm

We are so excited to kick off this week with a hands-on experience!!!

The field trip will be class for the day, meaning no regular class. 

Parents are welcome to leave their child or stay for the event.  If you decide to leave your child with us, please arrive at the school no later than your designated time to drop off your child.  The Fire Safety Event will last 2 hours and will include a safety presentation in the back lot, and fire safety activities in the other rooms.  DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP FOR ALL CLASSES WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE. It is extremely important to arrive on time to pick up your child as the rooms will need to be ready for the next group. 


Summer Class Registration

See Our Summer Flyer
Announcing our exciting and fun summer classes for ages 3-7!  Registration opens April 10


Fabulous Friday

All Students Invited
$15 for a drop-in class, Normal Class Time

Centers, Centers, and MORE Centers

This exciting program gives preschoolers the opportunity to rotate through fun and engaging Shining Stars Centers

Field Trip to Loveland Living Planet Aquarium

All Students and a Parent Invited
Wear School Shirts
Shining Stars Academy
Please check your child's wristband and flyer to find out your time assignment. 

We are so excited to get to experience everything we learn this week hands-on!! The field trip will last approximately 2-4 hours (tickets are good for all day admission) and will include lunch, a party, and all of the fun you can possibly have.  School shirts are required for admission to the aquarium.  This will be class for the day.  Can't wait to see everyone there! 

Graduation Pictures

All Students 
Whitmore Library Auditorium
2197 Fort Union Blvd., Cottonwood Heights


School Graduation Pictures will take place downstairs in the Auditorium.  This will be class for the day.  Please have your child wear blue denim jeans/shorts or skirts and their 2024 School Shirt. We will be doing class pictures as well as a large group picture.  Please make every effort to have your child present at this event.  This is the only chance they will have to be in our school graduation pictures.  Parents do not need to stay for this event. Please see the Graduation Events Letter for times specific to your class.

Fabulous Friday

All Students Invited
$15 for a drop-in class, Normal Class Time


Centers, Centers, and MORE Centers

This exciting program gives preschoolers the opportunity to rotate through fun and engaging Shining Stars Centers

Unbirthday Parties

All Students​
Normal Class Time

Happy Unbirthday!  We will celebrate all of our friends with summer birthdays and those who we missed due to starting late in the year.  You won't want to miss this celebration!

Last Day of School Party

Pajama Parties

Monday/Wednesday/Friday Students,
Monday-Thursday Students, and Monday-Friday Students
Normal Class Time

Please remember to bring a pillow and wear your comfiest pajamas

*We will have “Bring your Pretend Pet to School Day” that day as well, so remember any Pretend Pet can come with you to the party! (it is helpful for the pet to come in your backpack or your pillowcase)

We will play games, eat treats, and have tons of pajama fun!


Tuesday/Thursday Students and
PARTY #2 for  
Monday-Thursday Students, and Monday-Friday Students
Normal Class Time

Please remember to bring a pillow and wear your comfiest pajamas

*We will have “Bring your Pretend Pet to School Day” that day as well, so remember any Pretend Pet can come with you to the party! (it is helpful for the pet to come in your backpack or your pillowcase)

We will play games, eat treats, and have tons of pajama fun!

All Students and a Parent Invited
Mountview Park
1651 E. Ft. Union Boulevard
Cottonwood Heights, Utah 84121


Please see Graduation Events Letter for details.

Graduation Dress Rehearsal

All Students Mandatory
Whitmore Library Auditorium
2197 Fort Union Blvd., Cottonwood Heights

Please see Graduation Events Letter for specific details.

2024 Graduation

All Students and Families
Viridian Event Center
8030 S 1825 W West Jordan, Utah 84088

Please see Graduation Events Letter for specific details.

Summer is Magic!

Fall Picture Day

Monday/Wednesday/Friday Students,
Monday-Thursday Students, and Monday-Friday Students
Normal Class Time


We are excited this year to partner with Littles Photography for our Picture day - You don't want to miss this event!


Tuesday/Thursday Students,
Normal Class Time


We are excited this year to partner with Littles Photography for our Picture day - You don't want to miss this event!



Children 3-7 Invited
Shining Stars Academy
See Our Summer Flyer

Fabulous Friday

All Students Invited
$15 for a drop-in classNormal Class Time

Centers, Centers, and MORE Centers

This exciting program gives preschoolers the opportunity to rotate through fun and engaging Shining Stars Centers

Fall Break

All Students

Enjoy the time with your families.  School will resume October 21.

Halloween Parties

Tuesday/Thursday Students 
Monday-Thursday Students and Monday-Friday Students

We will be playing games and rotating through fun Halloween Centers.  Wear costumes (NO scary masks and NO WEAPONS -If your child wears a scary mask or has a weapon, it will be left in his/her backpack or sent home with you).  Please make sure your child can get in and out of their costume to use the restroom.


Normal Class Time


Monday/Wednesday/Friday Students AND SECOND PARTY for 
Monday-Thursday Students and Monday-Friday Students

We will be playing games and rotating through fun Halloween Centers.  Wear costumes (NO scary masks and NO WEAPONS -If your child wears a scary mask or has a weapon, it will be left in his/her backpack or sent home with you).  Please make sure your child can get in and out of their costume to use the restroom.


Normal Class Time


Halloween Performances

All Students Invited
Whitmore Library Auditorium
See Performance Time Letter and Halloween Week Events email for times

Families are invited!  Costumes are optional.

*We will be performing a few songs and then children and parents will be invited to stay to make a craft and get a treat if they would like to

Fabulous Friday

All Students Invited
$15 for a drop-in classNormal Class Time

Centers, Centers, and MORE Centers

This exciting program gives preschoolers the opportunity to rotate through fun and engaging Shining Stars Centers

Planetarium Field Trip

All Students and a Parent Invited

Please see flyer for details.  All tickets must be requested by Tuesday, 11/12/2024 and paid for by 11/13/2024.  Meet at Clark Planetarium at 1:30pm.

Wear School Shirts.

Cans for Cocoa

All Students and Families Invited

Bring a canned food item by the school and receive a free cup of hot cocoa.  All canned food items will be donated to the Utah Food Bank.  Drive up donations are welcome.  We will be outside ready to receive all canned food items.


Thanksgiving Parties

Monday/Wednesday/Friday Students , Monday-Thursday Students, and Monday-Friday Students 

We are super excited to experience the fun of the first Thanksgiving, combined with some of our current traditions - hands on!


Normal Class Time


Tuesday/Thursday Students and SECOND PARTY for
Monday-Thursday Students, and Monday-Friday Students 

We are super excited to experience the fun of the first Thanksgiving, combined with some of our current traditions - hands on!


Normal Class Time

Thanksgiving Recess

No School - Thanksgiving Recess

Enjoy the time with your families!


Christmas Toy Drive

All Students Invited

This year we will be hosting our ninth annual Christmas Box International Toy Drive.  We will be collecting new, unwrapped toys all month to donate to the Christmas Box International. Bring them in to the school between now and December 20. There will be a collection area at the Friends and Families Christmas Performance as well. Toys will be taken to the Christmas Box House on December 20.

Fabulous Friday

All Students Invited
$15 for a drop-in class, Normal Class Time

Centers, Centers, and MORE Centers

This exciting program gives preschoolers the opportunity to rotate through fun and engaging Shining Stars Centers

Christmas Around the World Parties

Tuesday/Thursday, Monday-Thursday, and Monday-Friday Students

We will be doing a lot of fun activities and will be making very special crafts as we celebrate Christmas and go on a trip Around the World (Please make sure to bring backpacks to class that day!).  Please let me know by Wednesday, December 6th if your child will not be able to attend the Christmas parties, as I have a very special gift for them.  For our party, children are welcome to bring a fun holiday treat for the class if they would like. Please remember all treats need to be dropped off at the school by December 8th. I need 1-2 parent helpers from each class for our special parties 


Normal Class Time


Monday/Wednesday/Friday Students, and SECOND PARTY for Monday-Thursday, and Monday-Friday Students
Location: Shining Stars Academy

We will be doing a lot of fun activities and will be making very special crafts as we celebrate Christmas and go on a trip Around the World (Please make sure to bring backpacks to class that day!).  Please let me know by Wednesday, December 6th if your child will not be able to attend the Christmas parties, as I have a very special gift for them.  For our party, children are welcome to bring a fun holiday treat for the class if they would like. Please remember all treats need to be dropped off at the school by December 8th. I need 1-2 parent helpers from each class for our special parties 


Normal Class Time

9th Annual Friends and Families Christmas Perfomances

Families and Friends Invited
Location: Whitmore Library Auditorium
2197 Ft. Union Boulevard
Cottonwood Heights, Utah 84121

*Times listed on invitation and wristbands. 


*There will be a list at each school entrance the week of the performance.


On Thursday, December 19th, we will have our 9th Annual Friends and Family Christmas Performance, which will take place at Whitmore Library Auditorium.  I would like all children to dress in Sunday/Holiday dress for this performance.  The focus of this event will be to share our Christmas songs and holiday cheer with our friends and families.  Everyone is invited. There will be music, crafts, and light refreshments for everyone!  This performance will take the place of class for the day.

17th Annual Christmas Service Performance

All Students Invited 
Location: The Ridge Cottonwood 

On Friday, December 20th, Shining Stars Academy will be performing for the Residents of The Ridge Cottonwood. This performance will take the place of class for the day. Sign-Up Links will be sent via email.


We will start promptly at the time listed on the Newsletter.  There will be no check-in for this event. Please plan ahead for parking and bringing your child in.  I would like all children to dress in Sunday/Holiday dress for this performance.  Please practice the music with your child at home so they will be prepared for their special day. You should have received the music files via email.  You can also have your children watch the videos posted on the website.  There is a link on the Parents Page.

Christmas Break

All Students

Enjoy the time with your families.  School will resume Monday, January 6.

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